Truyện cười song ngữ (1) - bản tiếng Anh

Money And Friends
"Since he lost his money, half his friends don't know him any more".
"And the other half?".
"They don't know yet that has lost it".

Father Wants To Go To Bed
Next-door Neighbor's Little Boy: "Father say could you lend him your cassette player for tonight?".
Heavy - Metal Enthusiast: "Have you a party on?".
Little Boy: "Oh, no. Father only wants to go to bed ".

The River Isn't Deep
A stranger on horse back came to a river with which he was unfamiliar. The traveller asked a youngster if it was deep.
"No", replied the boy, and the rider started to cross, but soon found that he and his horse had to swim for their lives.
When the traveller reached the other side he turned and shouted: "I thought you said it wasn't deep?"
"It isn't", was the boy's reply: "it only takes grandfather's ducks up to their middles!"

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